Who We Are

Our Approach

We live in a world of shifting market cycles. Interest rates and access to capital markets ebb and flow, creating an investment climate of constant uncertainty. With this in mind, Red Street strongly believes that a consistent, risk adjusted approach to investing regardless of external factors is the optimal way to maximize returns while limiting downside risk. The key factors to our investment approach are conservative underwriting, thorough due diligence, and prudent use of leverage.

Through carefully analyzing a property’s trailing operational results while incorporating sub-market performance, we strive to create moderate cash-flow projections. We employ our management knowledge & experience to identify comprehensive operational inefficiencies that lead to an asset’s dislocation in value.

We conduct exhaustive due diligence to confirm the viability of an investment. This involves scrutinizing each line item in the historic financials to identify potential avenues for improving cash flow. Additionally, we leverage our relationships in the construction sector when evaluating a property’s physical condition, minimizing the risk of unforeseen and costly repairs. We couple this with in-depth qualitative analysis to paint a complete picture of an asset. 

We are firm believers that maximizing leverage is not always the best path to take. Sensitivity analysis is conducted on each asset to determine the appropriate level of debt to utilize in order to protect its long-term value and the interest of investors.

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